Friday, September 21, 2012

Integrated Earth Systems

Integrated Earth Systems

National Science Foundation


The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 09/20/2012 . If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.
If you would like to receive notifications of changes to the grant opportunity click send me change notification emails . The only thing you need to provide for this service is your email address. No other information is requested.

Any inconsistency between the original printed document and the disk or electronic document shall be resolved by giving precedence to the printed document.
Document Type:Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number:12-613
Opportunity Category:Discretionary
Posted Date:Sep 20, 2012
Creation Date:Sep 20, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications:Nov 14, 2013    Full Proposal Deadline(s): November 14, 2013 November 14 Annualy thereafter
Current Closing Date for Applications:Nov 14, 2013    Full Proposal Deadline(s): November 14, 2013 November 14 Annualy thereafter
Archive Date:Dec 14, 2016
Funding Instrument Type:Grant 
Category of Funding Activity:Science and Technology and other Research and Development 
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards:10
Estimated Total Program Funding:$10,250,000
Award Ceiling:$3,000,000
Award Floor:$1,000,000
CFDA Number(s):47.050  --  Geosciences
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:No

Eligible Applicants

Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Agency Name

National Science Foundation


Integrated Earth Systems (IES) is a program in the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) that focuses on the continental, terrestrial and deep Earth subsystems of the whole Earth system. The overall goal of the program is to provide opportunity for collaborative, multidisciplinary research into the operation, dynamics and complexity of Earth systems at a budgetary scale between that of a typical project in the EAR Division's disciplinary programs and larger scale initiatives at the Directorate or Foundation level. Specifically, IES will provide research opportunities for the study of Earth systems from the core of the Earth to the top of the critical zone with a specific focus on subsystems that include continental, terrestrial and deep Earth subsystems at all temporal and spatial scales (NROES, 2012). IES will provide opportunities to focus on Earth systems connected to topics which include (but are not limited to) the continents; the terrestrial, surficial Earth systems including physical, chemical and biotic dimensions; linkages among tectonics, climate, landscape change, topography and geochemical cycles including core and mantle processes. 

Link to Additional Information

NSF Publication 12-613

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

NSF support
If you have any problems linking to this funding announcement, please contact

Synopsis Modification History

There are currently no modifications for this opportunity.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming

Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming

2007 Jaffarian winner Barbara Ungar w Tom Phelps  2008 Winner Woodsdale Elementary_Candlewax  2008 Jaffarian Barbara Immroth presenting to winner Sandra Wisem  2010 Winner Jefferson Elementary_York Theater Collage                 
The purpose of the Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award is to recognize, promote, and support excellence in humanities programming in elementary and middle school libraries that serve children K–8. To promote and encourage other school libraries interested in developing outstanding humanities programs, a professional development presentation will be made by a representative of the winning library. The focus of this presentation is to share the school's program as a model for inspiration and adaptation by other library media programs.

How Do I Apply?

Applications will be accepted online for the 2013 Sara Jaffarian Award until December 15, 2012 at 11:59 p.m.  
Applicants are advised to read the application selection criteria and guidelines before beginning the online application process. 
To begin the application process, go to

What Is a Humanities Program?

The humanities program can be focused in many subject areas, including, but not limited to, social studies, poetry, drama, art, music, language arts, foreign language, and culture. Programs should focus on broadening perspectives and helping students understand the wider world and their place in it. The humanities program should be initiated and coordinated by the school librarian and exemplify the role of the library program in advancing the overall educational goals of the school.

What Types of Libraries Are Eligible?

Any elementary or middle school (public or private) library or any school library program in the United States that serves children in any combination of grades K–8 and is staffed by a state-certified librarian.

Who Is Sara Jaffarian?

Sara Jaffarian is a retired school librarian who has been a member of the American Library Association for 63 years. She began her career as a librarian in the public school system of Quincy, Massachusetts. She later served as the Director of Libraries for the Greensboro Public Schools in North Carolina and the Supervisor of Libraries for the Seattle Public Schools in Washington. Read more about Mrs. Jaffarian.

What Is the Award?

The Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award is an annual award to a school library that has conducted an exemplary program or program series in the humanities during the prior school year. It consists of (1) a $4,000 cash award; (2) a plaque; and (3) the promotion of the winner as a model program for other school libraries.

Who Are the Past Winners?                                                  

Get inspired by these winning programs

        Jaffarian thumbnail tree logo

          The Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award is sponsored by the American Library Association Cultural Communities Fund and the National Endowment for the Humanities in cooperation with the American Association of School Librarians.

          Tribeca All Access®: 2013 Rules and Regulations

          Tribeca All Access®: 2013 Rules and Regulations

          Tribeca All Access® seeks feature-length narrative and documentary submissions from established and emerging filmmakers whose team includes a director or screenwriter from a community that is statistically under-represented in the film industry. Projects may be in any stage of development, from treatment/screenplay to post-production. Projects of any genre and or budget range are welcome to apply.
          In addition to a grant of $15,000, grantees work closely with TFI and develop professional relationships throughout the film industry via networking opportunities that include: one-on-one industry meetings, panels, workshops and other events during the Tribeca Film Festival. Year-round, Tribeca All Access® also provides customized support in order to advance projects through completion. Submissions will be open from September 5 through November 5, 2012.
          Five narrative filmmakers and five documentary filmmakers will each receive a grant of $15,000 to use towards the development, production, post-production, or marketing of their film project.
          Feature Programming: Grants can be used towards the development, production, post-production or marketing of the project.
          Documentary Programming: Grants can be used towards any stange from develoment through post-production.
          Grantees will participate in panels, workshops, and one-on-one meetings with industry executives during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival.
          Grantees automatically qualify for the Creative Promise Award of $10,000, which is awarded to one narrative project & one documentary project at the Festival.
          Note: TAA Alumni may apply for additional support for new projects, or to advance a project that has already participated in TAA through the exclusive TAA Alumni Grants. Selected alumni will also have the opportunity to attend events and networking opportunities.
          You can find out more information about the TAA Alumni Grants here. Submissions for the TAA Alumni Grants will open on December 5th, 2012 and close on February 5th, 2013.
          Although eligible projects must have one qualifying director or screenwriter attached, there are NO requirements in terms of film subject matter or genre.  Films can also be large or small in budget.
          All applicants will be notified of their project status via email by March 2013.
          In order to qualify for Tribeca All Access, entrants must comply with ALL of the following Rules and Eligibility Requirements. Failure to comply with these rules will render a submission ineligible.
          • Applicants are required to apply with a treatment or a feature-length screenplay with or without a director attached.
          • Only ONE submission per applicant is allowed unless applicant is working on another project in a different role.
          • Films intending to be subtitled are eligible, but the submitted screenplay must be in English. 
          • If a director is attached to the project, ONE full sample of the director’s prior work, must be supplied via an online-streaming source or DVD. Sample work must be a minimum of 5 consecutive minutes in length, and we encourage longer. (Examples of prior work may include a webisode, short film, feature film, music video, commercial, etc.).  DO NOT provide reels or more than two samples of prior work, except if there is more than one director attached to the project.
          • Submissions must NOT have aired on any form of television , been screened publicly or have been distributed in theaters on via the Internet prior to January 2013.
          • Applicants are required to apply with a thorough proposal that outlines the intended shape of the documentary, introduces the subject(s) and/or locale(s), and provides an overview of the production team and budget.
          • Eligible documentary projects may be in pre-production/development, production, or post-production. 
          • Projects in pre-production or development should have already secured access to their subject(s) and should already have a suggestive storyline in place.
          • Edited footage (e.g. trailer, teaser, or rough-cut) should be submitted via a URL (e.g. Vimeo, YouTube) or on a DVD (send 2 copies). Sample work from the project can be in any language or dialect; however, if it is not in English it mustcarry English subtitles.
          • Applicants with projects in pre-production or development that do not have sample footage of the current work need to submit a previous work sample in order to be eligible for support. However, any footage submitted must be at least 7 minutes in length.
          • Submissions must NOT have aired on any form of television , been screened publicly or have been distributed in theaters on via the Internet prior to January 2013.
          • Student projects are not eligible for funding support.
          All submissions must include the following:
          • A completed online application form.
          • A US-based director or screenwriter attached from a traditionally under-represented community in the film industry.
          • Bios and contact information for key filmmaker(s)/applicant(s).
          • Registration with the WGA or copyright office for all submitted screenplays.
          • Links embedded onto your online application to a streaming website, where your footage is available to watch; PLEASE NOTE: You must not take down your footage at any time through the submission process (September – February) or you will be disqualified.
          • If you are submitting DVDs, label all DVDs with submission number, project title, sample work’s title and run time, applicants’ names and contact information.
          • If available - A budget top sheet or summary that breakdowns the total funding needed for the project  and reflects how the initial $15,000 funding grant from TAA will be used in addition to any other money that may have already been secured.
          • Applicants must be at least 18-years old and based in the US or Puerto Rico.  International applicants from Canada and the UK should apply through our international partners with the Canadian Film Centre.
          September 5, 2012 – Submissions Open
          November 5, 2012 – Submissions Close
          TAA Alumni Grants:
          December 5, 2012 - Submissions Open
          February 5, 2013 - Submissions Close
          ENTRY FEES
          This is no entry fee to apply to the Tribeca All Access Program.
          All materials must be sent prepaid to:
          Attn: (select one) Feature Programming or Documentary Programming
          Tribeca Film Institute
          32 Avenue of the Americas, 27th Floor
          New York, NY 10013
          Attn: Tribeca All Access
          (212) 274-8080 x28
          Entries will not be considered complete until all of the materials are received.  Please refer to the guidelines above. All hard-copy submission materials must have the application number written on each item and must be postmarked within the entry deadline dates.
          Tribeca Film Institute will make every effort to safe-guard the materials submitted; however TFI will not be responsible for lost or stolen submissions.  Submissions will not be returned.
          Please visit our FAQ page for answers to some commonly asked questions.
          If you still have questions regarding the entry process, please feel free to contact us directly:
  / or (212) 274-8080 x27 / x28.

          Salad Bar Grants

          Who May Apply?

          Any K-12 school district participating in the National School Lunch Program is eligible to apply. There is one application that accommodates either an application for a single salad bar package or for larger districts, multiple salad bar packages. Schools currently awarded with the Bronze status or above in the Healthier US School Challenge (HUSSC) automatically qualify for a salad bar donation, with the stipulation that the school or district desires and can support a salad bar every day in school lunch.

          How Does This Process Work?

          1. Submit Completed Application
          2. Application Approved for Funding
          3. Your district appears on our donation page list of districts eligible for funding and is searchable from the "find your school/district" button on the home page
          4. The Initiative and Your Community Raise funds for Your Salad Bars
          5. Once Funded, Your Salad Bar is Ordered for Shipment
          6. Your Children Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
          7. Your district will complete an evaluation twice over the two years following your grant.

          Grant Eligibility Applications Are Being Accepted Now!

          All applications must be submitted electronically and must be approved by your Food Service Director. The application can be found at

          Once Our Bar is Funded When Will We Receive It?

          There are no fundraising deadlines. Salad bars will arrive within five weeks of being ordered. We expect to ship salad bars throughout the year.
          No salad bars will ship without being fully funded.

          What Salad Bar is Provided?

          A portable 72 inch 5-well insulated salad bar with two tray slides; divider bars; two 4-inch deep full pans with covers; four 4-inch deep half pans with covers; and twelve 4-inch deep quarter pans with covers; five buffet chilling pads; 16 serving tongs. Salad Bar implantation resources are available from the resources tab of our website.
          *If your local health authority's code requires the use of a mechanically cooled salad bar, you must notify us at upon submission of a completed application -- please type MAY NEED ELECTRIC in the subject line and include your name, the name of your school or district and contact phone number.

          10th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet

          10th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet

          Environmental Protection Agency


          The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 09/13/2012 . If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.
          If you would like to receive notifications of changes to the grant opportunity click send me change notification emails . The only thing you need to provide for this service is your email address. No other information is requested.

          Any inconsistency between the original printed document and the disk or electronic document shall be resolved by giving precedence to the printed document.
          Document Type:Grants Notice
          Funding Opportunity Number:EPA-G2013-P3-Q2
          Opportunity Category:Discretionary
          Posted Date:Sep 13, 2012
          Creation Date:Sep 13, 2012
          Original Closing Date for Applications:Dec 11, 2012    Please refer to the full announcement, including Section IV, for additional information on submission methods and due dates.
          Current Closing Date for Applications:Dec 11, 2012    Please refer to the full announcement, including Section IV, for additional information on submission methods and due dates.
          Archive Date:Jan 10, 2013
          Funding Instrument Type:Grant 
          Category of Funding Activity:Environment 
          Category Explanation:
          Expected Number of Awards:45
          Estimated Total Program Funding:$1,575,000
          Award Ceiling:$15,000
          Award Floor:$0
          CFDA Number(s):66.516  --  P3 Award: National Student Design Competition for Sustainability
          Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:No

          Eligible Applicants

          Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

          Additional Information on Eligibility:

          See Section III of the announcement for additional eligibility information. 

          Agency Name

          Environmental Protection Agency


          The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of the P3-People, Prosperity and the Planet Award Program, is seeking applications proposing to research, develop, and design solutions to real world challenges involving the overall sustainability of human society. The P3 competition highlights the use of scientific principles in creating innovative projects focused on sustainability. The P3 Award program was developed to foster progress toward sustainability by achieving the mutual goals of economic prosperity, protection of the planet, and improved quality of life for its people-- people, prosperity, and the planet – the three pillars of sustainability. The EPA offers the P3 competition in order to respond to the technical needs of the world while moving towards the goal of sustainability. Please see the P3 website for more details about this program. 

          Link to Additional Information

          10th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet

          If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

          Eligibility Contact: Bronda Harrison (; phone: 703-347-8080
          Electronic Submissions: Todd Peterson (; phone: 703-308-7224
          Technical Contact: Cynthia L. Nolt-Helms (; phone: 703-347-8102 -and-
          Gregory Lank (; phone: 703-347-8128

          Synopsis Modification History

          There are currently no modifications for this opportunity.

          Shell Science Lab Challenge

          Shell Science Lab Challenge

          Shell Science Lab Challenge

          A Program of NSTA

          About the Challenge

          Are you succeeding in science lab instruction with minimal equipment? The Shell Science Lab Challenge gives you an opportunity to share your exemplary approach for a chance to win a school science lab makeover support package valued at $20,000!
          Over $93,000 in lab makeover prizes to be awarded this year to 18 schools!
          NSTA and Shell would like to thank VWR for their support of the Shell Science Lab Challenge.

          Application for 2012–2013

          Download an application »

          Deadline: November 12, 2012
          Submit entries by November 12, 2012, to or send by fax to 703-243-7177.
          Click here to access the Shell Science Lab Challenge scoring guide that will be used to review 2012 submissions.

          How to Enter

          Complete a Shell Science Lab Challenge Application describing (in 3 pages or less) your philosophy of science teaching; the school's current limited laboratory facilities and resources and why they might be classified as "limited"; and an innovative use of limited laboratory equipment and resources you have implemented in your classroom. (See SSLC Application for complete details.)
          Need tips for developing a competitive application for the Shell Science Lab Challenge? Click here to view the archived web seminar presentation.
          If you have questions, please e-mail or call the Shell Science Lab Challenge program office at NSTA at 703.312.9241.

          View all the prizes »

          The Challenge invites middle and high school science teachers (Grades 6–12) in the United States and Canada (with special attention to urban and underrepresented groups) to illustrate replicable approaches to science lab instruction utilizing limited school and laboratory resources. Teachers and schools submitting top entries will receive additional laboratory tools, resources, and rich professional development opportunities.

          2012 Science Lab Challenge Regional Finalists and National Winners

          *National Finalist
          **Grand Prize Winner

          Region 1

          Janet Shockley
          Millis Middle School
          Millis, MA 02054

          Region 2


          Region 3

          Ophelia Barizo
          Highland View Academy
          Hagerstown, MD 21740

          Region 4

          *Denise Ponte
          Roy W. Brown Middle School
          Bergenfield, NJ 07621

          Region 5

          Pearl Wharton-Gill
          Pathways Academy Charter School
          Jacksonville, FL 32202

          Region 6

          Michele Owen
          West High School
          Knoxville, TN 37919

          Region 7

          Patti Brooks
          D’Iberville Middle School
          D’Iberville, MS 39540

          Region 8

          Scott Diamond
          The Learning Center at Linlee
          Lexington, KY 40511

          Region 9

          *Dr. Manuel Paul Pena
          Longfellow H.S. for Pregnant & Parenting Mothers
          Minneapolis, MN 55406

          Region 10

          *Jennifer Bargardi
          Jalen Rose Leadership Academy
          Detroit, MI 48235

          Region 11

          Donna O’Neill
          Goessel High School
          Goessel, KS 67053

          Region 12

          Anne Friedrich
          Cora B. Darling Elementary/Middle School
          Postville, IA 52162

          Region 13

          *Lance Doss
          Wagoner High School
          Wagoner, OK 74467

          Region 14

          Jennifer Nass-Fukai
          Overland High School
          Aurora, CO 80012

          Region 15

          Sean McAndrews
          Joliet Public Schools
          Joliet, MT 59401

          Region 16

          Yvette Jaquish
          Burton Pathways Charter School
          Porterville, CA 93257

          Region 17

          Margaret Carter
          Wapato Middle School
          Wapato, WA 98951

          Region 18

          **Kristy Martens
          Westmount Charter School
          Calgary, Alberta, Canada

          Read more …