Monday, April 23, 2012

Environmental Education Grants

Environmental Education Grants

Grants of up to $3,500 per project are available this year to help inspire teachers to implement an interdisciplinary approach to teaching about the environment and to foster new ideas.  The PSEG Environmental Education Grant Program began in 1991 as a partnership with the New Jersey Business/Industry/Science Education Consortium (NJ BISEC) and designed in cooperation with the Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE).  The goal is to provide financial resources to classroom teachers who strive to link their students’ understanding of science, mathematics, and/or technology concepts with an enthusiasm and appreciation for the environment. 
Since 1991 over $388,000 has been awarded to fund 160 projects in over 105 school districts across our territory. 
2012-2013 Funding Cycle Timeline
    Grants Accepted: April 10, 2012 - June 15, 2012
      Evaluation Phase: June 18, 2012 – July 13, 2012
        Award-Winning Teachers and School Principals Contacted: July 16, 2012 - July 20, 2012
          Notification Letters Sent to Non-Recipients: August 1, 2012

          Who May Apply?
          Once again this year, in an effort to expand our geographic outreach, the PSEG Environmental Education Grant Program is open to educators of grades K-9 who teach in:
          Grants are available to teachers who can successfully link their students' understanding of science, mathematics, computer science and/or technology concepts with an enthusiasm and appreciation for the environment.  Public, private, parochial, and charter schools are eligible to apply.  This year, PSEG will award $35,000 in grants.
          Funds may be applied to equipment, materials and field trips that would not normally be provided by the school or school district. Specific budget criteria are provided on the grant application.
          • Ideas for the development of one or more classroom units.
          • Expansion or refinement of an existing course or curriculum.
          • Extension of classroom work to community or after-school activities.
          • Clearly defined and valid project objectives and outcomes.
          • Ability to link environmental education concepts with an understanding of science, mathematics, computer science and/or technology.
          • Clearly described, well-planned activities; creativity a plus.
          • Evidence of grade level appropriateness and direct student involvement; community involvement a plus.
          • Clearly itemized budget with estimated costs; expenses must be appropriate to project.
          • Ability to successfully evaluate project.
          • Evidence of alignment with several New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (for New Jersey schools) or Delaware Content Standards (for Delaware schools).
          The school or school district is required to conduct the grant project for at least two years. Grant funding may also be spread over a two-year period if the school/school district deems it necessary. The school/school district is also encouraged to continue the project after this source of external funding expires.
          A brief, written interim report will be due by September 20, 2013 and a final written report will be due by September 19, 2014. Report guidelines will be provided. Grant recipients will also be expected to assist other educators by sharing the results of their successful projects, in a format that can be posted at this Web site.
          Just complete the grant application (pdf) which must be postmarked no later than June 15, 2012.
          Proposals are reviewed by an impartial, expert panel of formal and informal educators as well as policy makers in the areas of science, technology, and environmental science.  All selections are made by non-PSEG employees.  The judges review each submission to identify the top proposals for funding.  The key criteria for funding include:
          • Clearly defined and valid project objectives and outcomes;
          • Ability to solidly link environmental education concepts with an understanding of math, science, and/or technology; 
          • Strong alignment with the appropriate state’s Core Curriculum Content Standards (for public schools) or school’s standards (for private schools); 
          • Appropriate and realistic evaluation of the project;
          • An approach that is innovative, inventive, and fun; and
          • A realistic and reasonable budget that is focused on essential classroom tools and creation of out-of-class opportunities. Judges typically do not fund non-educational consumables (i.e. t-shirts, bags).
          Grantees will be announced in August 2012.  Funding will be provided to the school or school district for distribution to the teacher recipient(s), who will use the grant money in accordance with the approved budget.
          Send us an email.

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